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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Freshwater Aquarium Sharks

 Allow me first to say that aside from the Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) there are no obvious sharks that can live in freshwater. 

Any Shark you find in the freshwater segment of a pet store is a shark for the most part for its looks – however once in a while there's a whole other world to a Shark than meets the eye. 

What is a Freshwater Aquarium Shark? 

While nobody's altogether certain how a little determination of aquarium fish were named "Sharks," they all offer a few attributes that make speculating simpler. 

All are cyprinids (carp) or Catfish local to the jungles, home to a large number of the most famous aquarium fish on the planet. 

All are dynamic base to midwater swimming fish with pointed dorsal blades and forked tails. 

All are not difficult to keep, most are basic in their home districts, and all will raise in imprisonment when given adequate space. 

So, they were given the name both because of appearance and to promote them as aquarium fish – and it works! 

Freshwater "Sharks" are probably the most widely recognized fish in the side interest. Practically every fish store in the nation will convey in any event one of these Sharks and perhaps a few. 

Notwithstanding, it's additionally a disgrace to take note of that each and every one of these Sharks (aside from the little and delicate Roseline Torpedo Shark) is a horrendous decision for a fledgling aquarist with a little tank. 

While all are lenient toward a wide scope of water conditions and simple to take care of, they are largely either forceful, enormous, or both. Maybe another explanation they are designated "Sharks." 

In any case, insofar as you understand what you're pursuing, freshwater Sharks are interesting fish that become masterpiece examples in many aquariums. 

So we should investigate the various sorts of freshwater aquarium Sharks! 

Kinds of Freshwater Aquarium Sharks 

Virtually the entirety of the "Sharks" in the freshwater aquarium exchange can be categorized as one of two gatherings: dynamic Cyprinids (Carp and Minnows) and ruthless Catfish. 

This makes understanding their consideration prerequisites genuinely clear similar to all firmly identified with each other.

Red Tail Black Shark

The Red Tail Black Shark is one of the more lamentable stories in the aquarium world. A striking fish, it is shockingly for the most part wiped out in nature. 

Found only in the Chao Phraya River, as Thailand modernizes and creates, its natural surroundings has vanished as dams have been constructed and overwhelms have been depleted. 

While they need sizable teeth they can stress away at the balances and flanks of sluggish fish that possess a similar space of the water segment (mid and base). 

This is normally all the more an issue in more modest aquaria. At the point when given at any rate 55 gallons of room or more, grown-up Red Tailed Black Sharks are acceptable increases for a semi-forceful local area tank. 

Giving a cavern or alcove of driftwood gives the Shark a point of convergence to safeguard, permitting its tank mates to swim serenely. 

As obvious omnivores Red Tail Black Sharks will eat anything you offer them. In the wild, waste, base dwelling spineless creatures, and even green growth is eaten. 

In aquaria they will take drops and other arranged food sources, brush on filamentous green growth, whitened vegetables, and frozen food sources. 

Logical Name: Epalzeorhynchos bicolor 

Beginning: Thailand 

Length: Up to 6″ 

Aquarium Size: 30+ Gallons 

Personality: Semi-Aggressive

Rainbow Shark

Firmly identified with the Red Tail Black Shark, the Rainbow Shark is comparatively shaded. The entirety of its blades are pink to red with a dim body that can be practically dark however never as dim as its nearby cousin. 

Rainbow Sharks are more normal in the exchange and more affordable, with pale skinned person assortments frequently found in aquarium stores. 

Rainbow Sharks have indistinguishable consideration necessities also – as base dwelling omnivores they will take any ready or frozen food sources advertised. 

They share a similar semi-forceful demeanor too and will menace sluggish mid and base dwelling fish in the event that they stray into its domain. A cavern or empty to guarantee will help alleviate a portion of their outward animosity. 

Rainbow Sharks are likewise bigoted of different Sharks, including different Rainbows, except if kept in huge aquariums with a lot of concealing spaces. 

The tank ought to have at least 3 Rainbow Sharks to diffuse animosity across the gathering. When kept with Red Tail Black Sharks Rainbows will in general lose as they are more slender and not close to as vigorous. 

Logical Name: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum 

Beginning: Southeast Asia 

Length: Up to 6″ 

Aquarium Size: 30+ Gallons 

Demeanor: Semi-Aggressive

Black Shark Minnow

At the point when youthful clearly the Black Shark Minnow is a direct relation of the initial two Shark species. Anyway this Shark develops huge in examination, with 24 inches regular for aquarium examples and up to 36 creeps in nature. 

Dark Sharks are normal and alluring enough to be looked for by angler for sport just as food. 

Dark Sharks are to some degree extraordinary in the pet exchange however sporadically offered to clueless aquarists who don't understand that they will grow out of everything except the biggest of aquariums. 

Grown-up Black Sharks have streaming balance augmentations and a purplish dark shading that is striking. They are hearty fish that can weigh as much as 25 lbs! 

Like their more modest cousins, Black Shark Minnows are Cyprinids, in the Carp family. This makes them relations to Goldfish, Koi, Barbs, and Danios. 

Cyprinids all in all will in general be base dwelling omnivores that are strong aquarium fish. 

Given the size and regional nature of the Black Shark it's crucial for pair them with enormous fish adequately quick to move and abundant space for them to guarantee a region. 

Logical Name: Labeo chrysophekadion 

Beginning: Southeast Asia 

Length: Up to 3 feet 

Aquarium Size: 180+ Gallons 

Disposition: Semi-Aggressive

Bala Shark

Bala Sharks are lamentably extremely regular in the aquarium exchange. They are sold as hitting little fish with tinfoil brilliant scales and differentiating dark edges to their blades. 

While they hold this look as they develop they additionally develop very enormous for most aquariums. 

Bala Sharks that have grown out of their tanks are additionally regular for pet stores to get so don't depend on a store taking your Shark once its adult. 

Grown-up Bala Sharks are over a foot long and at all ages are tutoring fish. When kept alone, Bala Sharks are sketchy fish that will dispatch themselves against the glass or top if the tank is excessively close. 

At the point when kept in schools of at least 6 Bala Sharks are less restless yet develop huge and need adequate space to meander. 

125 Gallons is unquestionably the base for a school of Bala Sharks, with bigger certainly being better. A hefty, well fitting top is fundamental as they will test it once in a while when found and may end on the floor when you're nowhere to be found. 

Bala Sharks are serene midwater inhabitants and are a striking expansion to any local area tank of medium to enormous fish. In the wild Bala Sharks eat microscopic fish and little gliding spineless creatures. 

In aquariums they will take both arranged and frozen food varieties with energy and look more like genuine marine sharks than any of different "sharks" available! 

Logical Name: Balantiocheilos melanopterus 

Beginning: Malay Peninsula and Indonesia 

Length: Up to 14″ 

Aquarium Size: 125+ Gallons 

Demeanor: Peaceful

Iridescent Shark

The Iridescent Shark is another normal, economical aquarium fish that is unsatisfactory for most of aquariums. 

They are dynamic and strikingly hued, with a purplish dark luminosity blended in with pale white tones. Anyway Iridescent Sharks can arrive at 3 to 4 feet long and are tutoring fish, for sure. 

Radiant Sharks are firmly identified with the Mekong Giant Catfish (Pangasianodon gigas), which grows up to 10 feet in length and is one of the biggest freshwater fish on the planet. 

Dissimilar to most catfish Iridescent Sharks are midwater occupants that swim rapidly and aren't modest about discovering food at the surface. They are quiet local area fish yet will burn-through tank mates sufficiently little to find a way into their expansive mouths. 

Inasmuch as you have the space for them Iridescent Sharks are alluring augmentations to a tank-buster local area aquarium! 

As enormous, tutoring fish that are not difficult to take care of and develop rapidly, it's nothing unexpected that Iridescent Sharks are famous food fish in Asia. 

You likewise may have run over Iridescent Sharks in the frozen fish part of your nearby supermarket under the name Swai! Firm and sensitive in flavor, it tends to be utilized as a swap in any formula calling for freshwater whitefish. 

Logical Name: Pangasionodon hypophthalmus 

Beginning: Southeast Asia 

Length: 36-48″ 

Aquarium Size: 300+ gallons 

Disposition: Peaceful

Chinese High-Fin Banded Shark

The Chinese High-Fin Banded Shark is an enormous cyprinid that performs something of an opposite Ugly Duckling change. 

At the point when youthful it's alluringly designed, with chocolate earthy colored to dark groups and mottled examples on a peach shaded foundation. 

The sail-like dorsal balance sits high on a curved back and they are tranquil local area occupants with a functioning attitude. 

As grown-ups, they are a fairly unexceptional, stogie molded fish with a sucking mouth like Chinese Algae Eaters. The whole change happens throughout two years. 

They burn-through green growth, waste, and other natural matter from rocks in quick streaming waterways and streams. Anyway they grow up to 5 feet in length and around 80 lbs in nature! 

Chinese High-Fin Sharks are likewise an imperiled species in China and the not many that make it into the exchange are hostage reproduced in Asian lakes. 

One significant explanation not many of these fish arrive at development is on the grounds that they aren't exotic fish! Chinese High-Fin Sharks are really chilly water fish. 

While they will endure temperatures up to 75F they lean toward being kept in unheated aquariums and outside lakes. 

They flourish close by Goldfish and Koi, will keep lake designs liberated from green growth, and will sleep also once the water arrives at 40F. 

Logical Name: Myxocyprinus asiaticus 

Beginning: China 

Length: 4-5 feet 

Aquarium Size: 300+ Gallons 

Disposition: Peaceful

Columbian Shark

Otherwise called the Silver Tipped Shark, the Columbian Shark is a savage Catfish with surprising consideration prerequisites. 

Youthful are normal in the pet exchange and are brilliant blue, dynamic fish that will eat anything advertised. 

In any case, that additionally incorporates tank mates as they develop; Columbian Sharks are quick hunters with misleadingly enormous mouths. 

While savage, they are not forceful towards other fish and favor being kept in schools. Columbian Sharks ultimately develop to be a foot long and can be sketchy when kept separately, which means a tight fitting top is fundamental. 

They are additionally false freshwater fish – as they develop, Columbian Sharks should be accustomed to either saline or marine conditions or they will shrivel and pass on from illness or stress. 

Columbian Sharks, in the same way as other Catfish, have venomous spines along the pectoral and dorsal blades that they hold unbending when pursued or gotten. 

The sting isn't dangerous however is especially difficult; running the influenced region submerged as hot as possible stand is the best cure. 

Logical Name: Ariopsis seemanni 

Beginning: Central and South America 

Length: 12″ 

Aquarium Size: 75+ Gallons 

Disposition: Peaceful

Roseline Torpedo Shark

Otherwise called Denison's Barb and the Roseline Shark. These freshwater aquarium Sharks are one of only a handful few really reasonable for the normal aquarist. 

They are medium measured tutoring fish that arrive at 4 crawls long in aquariums, however somewhat bigger in nature. They have distinctive yellow and red horizontal stripes coordinated by appealing examples on their jerking tails. 

While progressively normal in the exchange, Roseline Sharks are for the most part wild got as hostage reproducing has not yet gotten up to speed to request. 

They are famous to such an extent that they are presently a jeopardized species in their country. On the off chance that conceivable, attempt to guarantee that your Roseline Sharks are hostage reproduced uniquely to fight off the annihilation of wild fish. 

While somewhat expensive, they are tutoring fish and ought to be kept in gatherings of at any rate 6 people. 

Roseline Sharks are not requesting with regards to water quality or taking care of; they flourish in a wide scope of temperatures and acknowledge both arranged and frozen food sources with fervor! 

Logical Name: Sahyadria denisonii 

Beginning: India 

Length: 4-6″ 

Aquarium Size: 30+ Gallons 

Disposition: Peaceful

Harlequin Shark

The Harlequin Shark is our last Shark and intently looks like the Red Tail and Rainbow Sharks as far as appearance and care necessities. 

This African Shark is a semi-forceful omnivore that has a more secretive shading to mix into dappled daylight and shadowy knot of weeds. They will joyfully devour anything offered, including green growth, spineless creatures, and both frozen and arranged food varieties. 

Harlequin Sharks are regional actually like their cousins and need a cavern or cave to call their own. Else they will guarantee the whole base zone as their own in more modest aquariums and constantly menace their tank mates. 

They will likewise battle ceaselessly whenever kept with their own sort, including the Asian Epalzeorhynchos and Labeo species. 

Logical Name: Labeo cyclorhynchus 

Beginning: Congo River Basin in Africa 

Length: Up to 6″ 

Aquarium Size: 30+ Gallons 

Personality: Semi-Aggressive


Freshwater aquarium sharks arrive in an assortment of types and for the most part share the very difficulties that marine sharks would give: they are either forceful, huge, or both. 

So ensure you're up for the test prior to getting that adorable minimal Red Tail Black or threesome Bala Shark – they all will live for quite a long time and may grow out of both your aquarium and your understanding!

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