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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Silver Dollar Fish Species Profile

 Taking a gander at the round, level, and shining silver dollar, it is not difficult to perceive how this fish gained the name. Albeit numerous examples found in shops are hardly bigger than the size of a glossy dime, don't be tricked. Grown-ups become a lot bigger than their namesake, developing to almost a half foot across. 

Species Overview 

Basic NAMES: Silver dollar 
Logical NAME: Metynnis argenteus 
Grown-up SIZE: 6 inches (16 cm) 
Future: 10+ years 

Origin and Distribution

Metynnis argenteus starts in the Tapajós River Basin in Brazil yet is boundless in shallower feeders and waterway frameworks across northern South America. It is just one of twelve distinct animal types referred to in the aquarium exchange as the "silver dollar." Metynnis argenteus, Metynnis hypsauchen, Metynnis lippincottianus, Myleus rubripinnis, and Mylossoma aureum are altogether species consistently seen available to be purchased in the aquarium business. 

For the most part viewed as the model silver dollar, Metynnis argenteus is frequently mistaken for Metynnis hypsauchen which is comparable for all intents and purposes. Metynnis argenteus can now and then be recognized from different species by their little dabs on their sides. 

Colors and Markings

Metynnis argenteus silver dollars are by and large a sparkling silver over the whole body, however with a slight green or blue color in the right light. In solid environments, they will have little colored spots on their sides. Traces of red will likewise show up, particularly on the butt-centric balance of the male, which is edged in red. 


Silver dollars are a tutoring fish naturally and do best when kept in schools of at least six. An exceptionally serene shoaling animal categories, they don't excel all alone, yet even an enormous gathering will be touchy and hesitant when left without cover. 

They are sufficiently tranquil to be trusted with a lot more modest fish than themselves, but they are adequately strong to deal with the organization of a lot bigger animal categories. Tranquil enormous catfish, for example, plecos and doradids would be a decent decision, as would numerous non-forceful cichlids. 

Silver Dollar Habitat and Care 

Silver dollars are strong and simple to really focus on. Albeit this fish is genuinely solid, the aquarist should keep a huge tank for them. A school or at least six will require an aquarium of 75 gallons or bigger. Silver dollars favor curbed lighting, dull substrate, a lot of space to move about, just as numerous great concealing spots. 

It's fitting to utilize plastic plants or exceptionally tough live plants since they will eat most live plants. They do best in delicate modestly acidic water, in spite of the fact that they're not fastidious about water conditions. Silver dollars are not excessively requesting about water quality, however they do best in perfect and clear, all around circulated air through, and very much separated moving water. 

Silver Dollar Diet and Feeding 

Curiously, silver dollars are in similar family as piranhas, however as opposed to being carnivores, they are solely vegan. Their supported food varieties incorporate vegetable pieces, for example, spirulina, and mixed greens like lettuce, watercress, and cooked romaine or spinach. They will likewise eat cooked vegetables like peas and squash. When taking care of any new food, take additional consideration to eliminate any uneaten partitions immediately, as their rot will foul the water. 

Despite the fact that the silver dollar favors a veggie lover diet, they will likewise eat substantial food varieties as treats. They are particularly attached to bloodworms, mosquito hatchlings (glass worms), and brackish water shrimp. On the off chance that the silver dollars are locally tank, watch them at taking care of time to guarantee that more dynamic and forceful fish don't get the majority of the food. Some silver dollar people can be somewhat tentative in the group and can wind up deprived thus. The utilization of taking care of rings will probably relieve this issue. 

Gender Differences

Guys have a more drawn out butt-centric balance that is touched with red on its front. During romance and rearing, the male will likewise foster two huge dark spots that are upward organized simply behind the foundation of the pectoral blades. The red tone on the male blades gets more extravagant and dark boundaries show up. Some male examples will likewise show other dull marbling on the body. Females show pretty much nothing, assuming any, variety in shading during romance and reproducing. 

Breeding the Silver Dollar

Silver dollars are not difficult to raise. They will infrequently generate without help with a huge appropriate aquarium. To make reproducing sets, start with about at least six adolescents and raise them to development together. They will arrive at rearing age at around one year old enough and around four crawls long. To improve rearing achievement, it's ideal to condition the guys and females in independent tanks before reproducing. For seven to 10 days, feed them an excellent plant and vegetable eating regimen for certain substantial treats. 

They are normally bunch spawners yet they can likewise be reproduced in known sets. Rearing sets ought to be taken out from their school and moved into a reproducing tank. Albeit the guardians won't devour their own eggs or fry, other fish will, so while bringing forth, place them in a different tank. 

To work with generating, ensure the water is delicate (8 dgH or underneath) and warm (80 to 82 F). Keep the lighting faint, and give fine-leafed plants; these will be eaten on the off chance that they are live as opposed to plastic plants. At the point when prepared to bring forth, the guys will obscure, particularly around the butt-centric, caudal, and dorsal blades, and their traces of red will strengthen. 

In the end, a couple will produce and the female will lay up to 2,000 eggs. The eggs will tumble to the lower part of the tank where they will incubate in three days; they won't be irritated by their vegan guardians. After around seven days, the fry will be free swimming and ready to eat fine food varieties like financially pre-arranged fry food, finely squashed spirulina, or newly brought forth brackish water shrimp. 

More Pet Fish Species and Further Research 

In the event that silver dollars appeal to you, and you are keen on some viable fish for your aquarium, set out to find out about: 

Bala shark  

Dwarf gourami 

Topsy turvy catfish 

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