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Monday, October 2, 2023

Best Tank Mates For Betta Fish

While bettas are typically glad to have a tank to themselves, it's more amusing to fabricate local area aquariums. Be that as it may, bettas are not viable with each specie and frequently battle with other fish. So how would you pick the best betta tank mates for your aquarium? 
Try to choose fish that can coincide calmly with bettas and to organize your stylistic layout to amplify the achievement of the local area. Would it be advisable for you to settle on certain tetras or two or three snails all things considered? Plunge into this article to find all you require to think about picking allies for your betta tank! 

Transforming Your Betta Tank Into A Community Aquarium 
The majority of us start by keeping betta fish all alone, however as the aquarium bug gets on, you may wind up dreaming about setting up a local area aquarium. This can be a test when you have bettas, as these fish are regional and don't care to impart space to different species. With a little arranging, however, you can make it work! 

Best Aquarium Size For A Community Betta Tank 
I don't suggest keeping bettas in anything under 5-gallons, and for local area tanks, greater is unquestionably better! How enormous of a tank do you have to begin a local area aquarium? It relies upon the kind of tank mates you'd prefer to keep! 
In the event that you'd actually prefer to a few spineless creatures to zest up your little set-up, at that point you might have the option to stay with your current tank, radiator and channel. Be that as it may, in the event that you need to keep a gathering of females or a male and an assortment of local area fish you'll require a lot greater tank. 
I suggest arranging out your fantasy tank on paper prior to putting resources into gear and fish. You'll require at any rate a 10-gallon tank to keep a solitary betta and a couple of other local area fish and at least 25-gallons for a gathering of female bettas 

Step by step instructions to Set-up Your Tank For Success! 
The size of your tank matters, however how you mastermind your stylistic layout and hardware is vital to limiting hostility between your betta fish and their associates. Use rocks, sticks, plants and different designs to make unmistakable regions and concealing spots in your tank. That way fish can watch and guard various regions without battling. 
in huge tanks more than 50-gallons, you can likewise utilize channels and air pocket stones to create water flows for gatherings of tutoring and shoaling tetras, rasboras, and minnows. Since bettas don't care for swimming in a current, they will keep away from these spaces and stay in the more quiet pieces of your tank. 

What number of Tank Mates To Add? 
The overall dependable guideline for aquariums is to permit at least 1 gallon of water for every last bit of fish in the tank. Utilizing this standard, a fish that develops to 2-creeps long would require at least 2-gallons of water. More space is in every case better. In the event that you add too many fish, you may have issues with your water quality. 
In a 10-gallon tank, you could fit a solitary betta and up to five creeps of other fish. So you might actually add three to five more modest tetras to your betta aquarium. However, beyond what that could make your fish feel focused and may overpower your filtration framework. Your betta may single out other fish in the event that they need more space. 

Picking The Right Tank Mates 
There will never be any assurance that things will work out between a betta and other local area species, and once in a while things turn sour all of a sudden. In any case, there are a few different ways you can distinguish great up-and-comer species for your local area tank. 

The most ideal choices are: 
Tranquil betta well disposed fish that are a comparable size (2.5 to 5 creeps long) and that have short blades and tails. Fish that incline toward the lower part of your tank, where bettas generally don't hang out, or the individuals who are dynamic around evening time. 
Fish that school or accumulate in sandbars, if your tank is sufficiently enormous to contain a pleasant estimated bunch (10+). On the off chance that your betta can't single out a fish to single out from the gathering then they ordinarily get along fine in bigger tanks. Species with comparative consideration prerequisites to bettas. Go with fish that lean toward their freshwater separated, around 78°F and with an impartial or somewhat acidic pH. 

Try not to get fish that: 
Are forceful or semi-forceful as opposed to serene local area species. Despite the fact that bettas are regional and guys will in general be particularly forceful, they don't do well in semi-forceful or forceful local area tanks. Have long blades or tails. Fancier, more intricate local area fish may get irritated or singled out by your betta. Incline toward saline (marginally pungent), saltwater, or aquariums with a high water pH. Are a lot more modest than your betta, except if you have a huge tank with space for them to class or sandbar. In the event that your betta can single out another individual, they will pursue them. On the off chance that they can fit another species in their mouths they may wind up eating them.
Rules For Adding Community Fish To Betta Tanks 
Continuously have a medical clinic or isolate tank available on the off chance that you need to eliminate a harmed or excessively forceful fish. Things don't generally work out. I've needed to return fish to the aquarium store previously, and if your betta is especially combative or your tank is little there's no assurance they will coexist with others. 
Pick serene fish viable with bettas, and add them to the tank a week or so prior to acquainting your betta with the local area. This gives the other fish time to get comfortable and build up their own domains before your betta goes along with them. 
Add your local area fish to the tank in odd-numbered gatherings, if conceivable. This looks all the more stylishly satisfying to the eye and decreases the odds the fish will contend with one another (or your betta) as they get comfortable. So add 3 or 5 tetras to your little local area tank instead of 2 or 4. What fish can live with bettas without causing issues? Here's a rundown and portrayal of the best species to house with bettas. These are on the whole usually discovered, quiet sea-going species with comparable territory necessities to bettas. I'll likewise cover some uncommon circumstances that require a more select rundown of buddies underneath. 

Picking Betta Buddies For Small Tanks 
The greatest test in settling on allies for your betta in a tank that is 10 gallons or less in size is you don't have a ton of space to work with. It's ideal to go with species that either stay close to the base and shroud a great deal of time or those that are dynamic around evening time when your betta is resting. 
The greatest danger in adding allies to a little tank is you may overpower your filtration framework. You'll need to give close consideration to your water quality and be steady about your normal support on the off chance that you need to keep your tank sound. 

Most Popular Betta Fish Companions For 5-gallon Tanks 
Since space is at an exceptional it's ideal to adhere to little fish or spineless creatures that will not contend with your betta. You'll probably have space for one or maybe two associates all things considered, notwithstanding. 

gallon betta tanks: 
Male Betta Tank Mates And Tips For Bigger Aquariums  As you most likely are aware, they're called Siamese Fighting Fish which is as it should be! Male bettas don't prefer to play pleasantly with others, and this can be a difficult when you're setting up a bigger local area tank. While the two sexes are regional, male betta fish will truly protect their space enthusiastically. 

General guidelines to follow while looking for allies for your male betta: 
Keep away from fish that are red or have unmistakable red markings when picking allies for your male. They may see these fish as adversaries and assault them. Keep away from fish that swim gradually or have long balances, like angelfish. Pick fish that hang out in the base pieces of your tank, or make regions in a bigger tank (20 gallons and up) that your betta dislike and will normally stay away from. Species that wouldn't function admirably with guys in a more modest set-up frequently fine in greater tanks more than 20-gallons if there are sufficient of them. 

Base Dwelling Companions For 20-gallon Tanks And Up 
Fish that rummage on the lower part of your tank or hang out on the sides are normally acceptable alternatives as allies for a male betta. A portion of these animal types are more dynamic around evening time as well, so your betta will not be troubled by their action.

Mystery Snails (Pomacea bridgesii)             

Brilliantly hued snails with long rings that range from ½ to 2-crawls in breadth. May be brilliant/yellow, purple, blue, dark, white, or pale skinned person shaded. They're smooth and feed on green growth and flotsam and jetsam in your tank. I suggest just getting a solitary snail for a little betta tank, since there may not be sufficient food to help more.

Nerite Snails (multiple species of Neritina)

These eating machines will work really hard at keeping green growth from assuming control over your tank! They have sensational striped and designed shells and develop from ½ to 2-crawls in breadth. They frequently move out of the water and hang out at the highest point of your aquarium, so a protected hood or top is fundamental. A solitary snail is ideal for a little betta tank.

Zebra Snail (Neritina natalensis)

This assortment of nerite snail has a shell designed like a zebra. A few assortments likewise have twirls or other remarkable markings that truly make them hang out in your tank. They are a similar measure and have a similar consideration necessities as other nerite snails and make great allies for bettas.

Ramshorn Snails

These snails are frequently found in aquariums, and whether you consider them a bug or a friend relies upon the circumstance. They are effectively reared and can rapidly assume control over a tank, yet they likewise well in little set-ups with shrimp or a betta. Their twisted shell looks like the horn on a slam, and they arrive in a wide assortment of sizes and tones.

Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculatus)

Quite possibly the most widely recognized sea-going snails, the trumpet snail is named for its trumpet-molded shell. These quiet local area spineless creatures do well in tanks, everything being equal, and may rapidly repeat. 

Your betta may nibble on the littlest snails yet the grown-ups are generally too huge for them to eat.

Cherry Shrimp aka Red Cherry Shrimp 

The most famous freshwater shrimp in the aquarium exchange, grown-up cherry shrimp develop to a greatest size of 1.5-inches. Their dazzling red tone truly assists them with hanging out in your tank and they take after smaller than normal crawfish. These quiet green growth eaters favor tanks with a great deal of plants and places to cover up, yet a couple should work in a little betta set-up.

 Glass Shrimp 

Little ½ to 2-inch long freshwater shrimp with a reasonable carapace you can own straight! These foragers like to tuck away among the flotsam and jetsam on the lower part of your tank. You'd likely need to try not to add more than 2 or 3 shrimp to a little betta tank. On the off chance that you get youthful shrimp that are just ½-inch long your betta could wind up eating them.

Endler’s Guppy (Poecilia reticulata/Poecilia wingei)

These little ½ to 1-inch long fish are identified with the progenitors of the extravagant guppy and straightforwardly dropped from wild South American stock. They are more modest and do not have the intricate tails of the extravagant kinds, however the male fish may in any case be splendidly shaded and have unmistakable scale patterns.Female guppies have more limited tails and longer bodies than the guys, and they are greater and do not have the brilliant hue. They are normally pale dim or earthy colored in shading. You might have the option to hold 2 to 3 guppies of one or the other sex in a little tank with a betta.

Popular Buddies For 10-gallon Betta Tanks

While tutoring and shoaling fish like tetras can be kept in little 10-gallon set-ups, you will not have adequate space to keep a gathering of them with your betta. All things considered, search for species you can keep solo or in little numbers. Here are some acceptable choices for little betta tanks

Amano Shrimp aka Algae Eating Shrimp (Caridina multidentata)

These little 2-inch freshwater shrimp make a decent choice for little betta tanks that are thickly planted and have bunches of concealing spots. You'll continually see your shrimp cleaning the foliage and substrate in your tank. 
These are occupied colleagues. They'll likewise turn protesting in the streets at whatever point you feed your tank!

Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarellus genus)

These 2-inch long serene spineless creatures make an incredible expansion to local area tanks and are reasonable for betta associates as long as they have a lot of concealing spots. They are best included triplets so they don't contend with one another. They lean toward planted tanks yet are not awfully exacting as long as their water is kept clean.

Cory Catfish aka Cory Cats (multiple Corydoras species)

These serene and engaging foragers flourish in little tanks as they scan the substrate for food. Contingent upon the species you pick, they may go from 1 to 3.5-creeps long when completely developed. Well known assortments incorporate the Pygmy, Panda, and Albino Cory. It's ideal to just keep a solitary cory animal groups in a 10-gallon set-up.

Pygmy Cory Cat (Corydoras pygmaeus)

These little corys grow up to an inch long and have dark stripes running the length of their bodies. They are somewhat bashful and like to stow away around the plants and flotsam and jetsam in the lower part of your tank. They sometimes take in air on the outside of your tank, yet that is normally an indication of helpless water quality. You might have the option to keep up to three dwarf corys in a little betta set-up.

Otocinclus Catfish aka Otos (Otocinclus vestitus)

Otos are little tutoring catfish that develop to a limit of 4-inches in length yet are generally more modest. These colleagues will devour the green growth in your tank and on your plants. They favor clean water and tanks with bunches of plants and concealing spots. A gathering of otos are a decent organization for a betta in a little tank yet may require a greater set-up following a couple of years.

Harlequin Rasbora aka Red Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)

Metallic bronze-shaded fish with dark markings that develop to a most extreme length of 2-inches. They partake in shoaling together and are especially sensational in huge gatherings. You likely don't have any desire to add multiple harlequins to a 10-gallon with a betta, however. 

They look particularly striking against a planted background.

Clown Plecostomus (Panaqolus maccus)

A bantam animal varieties that is 3.5-inch long with emotional and beautiful markings. They appreciate nibbling on the driftwood and green growth in your tank and will probably eat anything your betta misses. Despite the fact that you'll need to enhance their eating routine with spirulina or other veggie-based fish food varieties, you should just keep a solitary pleco in a little tank.

Kuhli Loach (Pangoi kuhlii)

Otherwise called the Coolie, Cinnamon or Leopard Loach, these 3 to 5-inch long fish are typically dynamic around evening time and stow away during the sunshine hours. They are modest scroungers who like to stow away in precipices and under rocks. I suggest close to a solitary loach for a little betta tank

Female Fancy Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

Bigger than the intently related Endler assortment, female extravagant guppies develop to around 2-crawls long. In contrast to the guys with their ostentatious tails, female likes are normally viable with bettas in light of the fact that they come up short on the vivid long tail. However long they have a few plants to cover up in, you can keep up to 3 female extravagant guppies in a little tank with your betta.

Platy Fish (various Xiphophorus species)

Firmly identified with Mollies and Swordtails, platys are a tranquil livebearing fish that arrive in a wide scope of shadings and scale designs. They are regularly around 3-creeps long when completely developed and might be red, orange, dark, blue, earthy colored or green in shading. In contrast to swordtails, male platys don't have since quite a while ago, pointed tails and are normally viable with bettas.

Molly Fish (multiple Poecilia species)

Mollies are really different types of intently related livebearing fish local to streams in South America. They arrive in a wide assortment of shadings and scale designs. These nice fish are an extraordinary choice for beginner fish managers and typically make great allies for bettas on the off chance that you pick short-finned assortments.

African Dwarf Frog (Hymenochirus curtipes)

On the off chance that you need something interesting for your betta tank, look at these smaller than normal frogs! They are totally amphibian and develop to a most extreme length of 2.5 inches. African bantam frogs were the explanation I began my absolute first aquarium, and they are such a lot of amusing to notice. 

They for the most part stow away under rocks during the day and buoy at the highest point of your tank around evening time. You're most likely protection up to 3 frogs close by your betta fish in a little set-up.

Zebra Loach aka Candy Stripe Loach (Botia straita)

These little 4-inch long base dwelling foragers have delightfully stripped bodies that mix in with your beautifications and substrate. They are more dynamic during the day than a run of the mill loach, which is the reason they are not ideal for more modest betta tanks. In the event that you keep a gathering of 3 to 5 with your male betta he will not have the option to effortlessly single out one loach. They likewise need a lot of concealing spots in your tank.

Nose Pleco (multiple Ancistrus sp)

One of the more modest aquarium catfish, the serene bristlenose develops to around 5-crawls long. They are known for the bountiful fibers that develop around their mouth and nose. The wild-type fish has designed earthy colored scales yet hostage reared assortments may arrive in a scope of shadings from a light orange to pale skinned person. They incline toward thickly planted tanks 30-gallons and up.

Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris)

These engaging colleagues are one of my number one animal types for planted tanks more than 20-gallons. Topsy turvy felines love to search for food on the underside of your plants and stylistic layout. While they can swim upstanding, they frequently really like to remain reversed. These fish develop to around 4-creeps long and you can keep them solo or in little gatherings of 3.
Candy Stripe Plecostomus (Peckoltia vittata)

These fish have conspicuous yellow to orange stripes and develop to a limit of 5-inches. They are local to the Amazon area where they feed on driftwood and search for food along the stream bottoms. Since they will protect their domain, they are best kept as the just pleco in your 25-gallon or greater tank and shouldn't be kept with numerous other bottom feeders. 

Dawn Tetra aka Panda or Paraguay Tetra (Aphyocharax paraguayensis)

These silver shaded tetras with dark markings develop to around 1 to 1.5-crawls long. They can be forceful towards other local area fish and are best kept in bigger gatherings of at any rate 15. At the point when kept in adequate numbers they sandbar together, making a sensational enhanced visualization. I don't suggest this sort of tetra for tanks under 25-gallons, be that as it may.

Green Neon Tetra aka Blue or False Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon simulans)

Green neon is a particularly decent choice for lodging with male bettas. These little fish develop to a limit of 1-inch and have a metallic blue stripe running the length of their bodies. These fish like to remain together and are best kept in gatherings of at any rate 10 to dissuade your male betta from battling with them. They are ideal for betta tanks 20-gallons and up and look particularly emotional in huge gatherings of fish.

Colombian Tetra aka Red and Blue Tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus)

These coin-formed tetras develop to about 2.5-creeps long and have red markings on their blades and a metallic blue hued body. These folks are solid swimmers and can undoubtedly avoid your male betta. Since they like to sandbar they are best kept in gatherings of at any rate 6, and more may be smarter to diminish animosity between them. You'll have to have in any event a 20-gallon set-up or greater to keep these conspicuous tetras with your betta.

Head and Tail Light Tetra (Hemigrammus ocellifer)

These small 2-inch tetras get their name from the metallic pink/orange colored spots they have on their tail and head. Their bodies may be clear to a pale silver or gold color. They are a peaceful fish that prefers to live in groups of at least 6, so they are best kept with a male betta in a bigger tank.

Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri)

These shimmering fish look like a school of diamonds swimming together. Their silvery color is set off by the 
fluorescent dot above their eye. They grow to a maximum of 2-inches in length and prefer to be in groups of at least 3, but 6 fish is even better if your tank is big enough. They are fast swimmers and it’s unlikely that your male betta will try to attack them in a group.

Silver Tip Tetra (Hasemania nana)

These small 2-inch schoolers have a bronze to silver body with silvered-white tips on their fins and black markings on their tails. They prefer slightly soft water but tolerate a wide range of conditions. They do best when added in groups of at least 6, and like many other tetras look very dramatic in larger groups.

Black Line Rasbora aka Brilliant Rasbora (Rasbora borapetensis)

An excellent option for larger male betta set-ups, this species grows to almost 2.5-inches in length and is a powerful schooling swimmer. They prefer to be kept in groups of 8 to 10 fish in densely planted tanks with little water current. They are ideal for tanks 20-gallons and up and usually do well with betta fish.


Best Tank Mates For Betta Sororities In Large Aquariums

Since female bettas are less aggressive and territorial than males, you’ll have more options when picking their tank mates. You can pick brightly-colored or red fish for your aquarium if you want. You can even keep several females together in a sorority if you have enough room!

I recommend using at least a 25-gallon long aquarium for betta sororities and starting with either 3 or 5 females. 50 to 75-gallons is even better if you want a vibrant and diverse community of fish. Long-style tanks are best, since this gives each betta room at the surface without having to squabble over space.

Bottom Dwellers For Tanks 25-gallons And Up

Bottom dwelling scavengers and algae eaters make for attractive and entertaining members of your betta community. Your betta sorority will likely ignore their activities since they concentrate their action in the lower parts of your tank. Some good options for betta sorority tank mates include:

Assassin Snail (Clea helena)

These small brightly colored snails with chocolate markings make a great addition to bigger community tanks. They are unique in one aspect—they help control other snail populations by eating their small offspring! If you have a problem with your nerite snails taking over your tank, get a few assassins. They’ll sort through the detritus on the bottom of your tank and clean-up the problem. They won’t bother other fish or fry.

Snowball Plecostomus (Hypancistrus inspector)

This dramatic 6.5-inch pleco has a dark brown or black body covered with white spots. While they don’t really eat algae, they are scavengers who will eat leftover food and detritus on the bottom of your tank. You’ll definitely want to supplement their diet, or they might just start eating your plants and the other fish’s food. These showy catfish do well in planted tanks 25-gallons and up but are too big for smaller set-ups.

Common Plecostomus (multiple species in the Loricariidae family)

These fish are the omnivoros giants of the aquarium world! While they may be sold as suitable for small betta tanks, the truth is these guys keep growing and growing. I had a common pleco for over 5 years in my 55-gallon community tank. When he hit 24-inches in length I had to rehome him because he started eating my community fish! A younger pleco may fit in your 25-gallon or 50-gallon betta sorority for a while. But they usually become more aggressive as they age.

Yoyo Loach aka Almora Loach (Botia almorhae)

A colorful striped scavenger that grows to about 2-inches in length, the yoyo loach is active during the day. They get their name from the way they move up and down the water column like a child’s yo-yo! They can be a bit territorial among themselves, and are best kept in bigger tanks where you have room for a group of 5 or more. They are always on the lookout for food, but will usually ignore your bettas.

Guntea Loach aka Peppered Loach (Lepidocephalichthys guntea)

These attractive scavengers have a long grey or pale brown body with black stripes or spots. They can grow up to 6-inches in length and resemble a freshwater eel. They prefer to dig through your substrate looking for food and require a densely planted tank with lots of hiding places. They are best kept in groups of at least 3 and are ideal for 25-gallon tanks or larger community aquariums.

Clown Loach aka Tiger Botia (Chromobotia macracanthus)

For large betta sororities in tanks over 75-gallons, the clown loach can be an entertaining and colorful member of the community. They have vivid red-orange bodies with prominent black stripes and can grow up to 12-inches in length. They are social fish who prefer to be in groups of at least 5, or they tend to hide all the time.

Panda Cory Cat (Corydoras panda)

For tanks 30-gallons and up, the panda cory can be a fun addition. These peaceful scavengers grow to about 2.5-inches in length and have gold and black markings on their bodies. Like the albino variety, the panda requires a densely planted tank and smooth substrate to prevent injuries to their whiskers. They prefer to be in groups of 5 to 7 and usually get on well with female bettas.

Glass Catfish aka Ghost or Phantom Cats (Kryptopterus vitreolus)

Glass cats get their name for their transparent bodies. You can see straight through these fish and observe their skeleton and internal organs! These scavengers like to shoal together and look really impressive when you have a group of 5 to 10 in your tank. They are shy and may take a while to adjust to your betta tank, but once comfortable you’ll find these fish very entertaining. 

Schooling Fish For Large Tanks 25-gallons 

While not suitable for smaller betta tanks, you can keep a wide variety of tetras, rasboras and minnows in an aquarium that’s 25-gallons or bigger. These small fish are at risk of your betta’s aggression when they are kept in small numbers but in large schools they usually work well with sororities.

Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)

One of the few non-aggressive species of barb, these shy fish get their name from their bright red color. Male fish are brighter than the females but both genders make great options for bigger aquarium communities. They grow to a maximum length of 2-inches and are best kept in groups of 10 or more. They usually school together for safety and like to have room to swim.

Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)

Known as the “jewel of the aquarium trade,” neon tetras are incredibly popular companions for community tanks. These 1¼-inch fish have bright red and blue metallic stripes and are simply beautiful to watch in large numbers. You’ll want to add them in groups of 10 to prevent problems with your betta sorority, and they are especially dramatic in larger groups of 30 or more.

Black Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)

Another favorite of mine, the black neon has a metallic blue stripe underlined with black markings and a fluorescent orange dot above their eyes. Like the neon tetra, these friendly fish are best kept in groups of 10 or more. This is an ideal option for bigger tanks where you could keep a group of 30 to 50 and enjoy the impressive effect when they school together!

Rummy Nose Tetra (multiple species, mostly Hemigrammus family)

Another tetra that makes a dramatic appearance in large groups, the rummy nose is ideal for sorority tanks. These fish can reach 2.5-inches in length and are known for their bright red snouts and black tail markings. As they weave in and out of the school they create fascinating patterns of movement. You’ll want at least 10 tetras to enjoy the effect and bigger groups are even more dramatic.

Ember Tetra aka Fire Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae)

These small fish rarely get larger than ¾-inch but their striking bright orange to red color really stands out in a community tank! These active and playful fish prefer densely planted tanks, where they can dart around the vegetation looking for food. I recommend adding them in groups of 20 for the best visual effect. Larger groups are less likely to entice your female bettas into fighting as well. 

Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

If you like the colors of the neon tetra but want something more unique, this could be the species for you! The cardinal has the reverse coloration, with a metallic blue stripe edged along the bottom in bright red. They are similar in activity to the neon and other schooling tetras, however, and usually do best in the same type of aquarium set-up.

Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)

Glowlights get their name from the way their bodies seem to light up in the right conditions. Their metallic orange bodies and prominent darker stripes seem to glow when the light is dim. They prefer planted tanks with room for swimming and will school together for safety. You can keep them in small groups of 5 or in larger, more dramatic groups of 10 or more.

Golden Tetra aka Gold Tetra (Hemigrammus rodwayi)

These hearty fish look similar to the silver tip tetra but have a metallic wash to their scales, giving them a shimmering appearance. They may grow up to 1.6-inches in length and do best in groups of at least 6 to 10. Keeping them in sufficient numbers will also reduce the likelihood your betta sorority will mess with them. They are more challenging to keep than other tetras.

Red Eye Tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomene)

These coin-molded tetras have a fluorescent red spot over their eye, which gives them their name. Their bodies can grow up to 3-crawls long and their gleaming silver bodies and dark markings look exquisite in your aquarium. They are greater than numerous different types of tetra and do best in tanks 30-gallons and up.

Blue Tetra (Boehlkea fredcochui)

A mainstream and bright alternative for a local area tank, the blue tetra presents issues for betta tanks. These dynamic fish regularly nip at the blades of others, which is the reason they are not a decent animal varieties for a solitary betta tank. At the point when kept in a gathering of 7 to 10, in any case, they'll generally let the betta sorority be. On the off chance that you settle on blue tetras, watch out for your tank and be prepared to eliminate them in the event that they cause issues.

Penguin Tetra (Thayeria boehlkei)

These brilliant shaded fish have a dark stripe running down their bodies and tail, which makes them look somewhat like a penguin. They can reach around 3-creeps long when completely developed and lean toward planted tanks with concealing spots and space to class. This is an extraordinary alternative for tanks 30-gallons and up, despite the fact that their brilliant shading settles on them a terrible decision for tanks with male bettas!

Celestial Pearl Danio (Celestichthys margaritas)

These fish normal around 1-inch long and have hitting metallic blue bodies with brilliant spots. They ought not be mistaken for the plain pearl danio, which is bigger and does not have the emotional shading or markings. The divine danio inclines toward thickly planted tanks with a lot of space to class. They ought to be kept in gatherings of at least 10 whenever housed with a betta sorority.

Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)

These striped 3-inch long schoolers make an extraordinary expansion to a local area tank and are famous choices for betta sororities. They appreciate a planted tank however need a lot of space to swim to stay cheerful. Zebra danios are best kept in gatherings of at least 10, which is the reason they need at any rate a 30-gallon tank in case you're keeping them with bettas.

 White Cloud Minnow (Tanichthys albonubes)

These little 1.5-inch long fish show up in your tank when tutoring in adequate numbers. They have shiny green scales with pink to ruddy shaded stripes and red hued dorsal and ventral blades. They do best when kept in gatherings of at least 6, and as a rule do well in huge local area tanks and betta sororities.


Mosquito Rasbora aka Chili Rasbora (Boraras brigittae)

These modest schoolers are local to the backwoods of Southeast Asia and incline toward thickly planted tanks with faint lighting and plants developing along the highest point of the tank. They can grow up to 1.5-creeps long and have a dazzling red body with dark markings on their bodies and blades. They like to have a lot of space to swim and school together and are best kept in gatherings of at least 10.

Fire Rasbora (Rasboroides vaterifloris)

A coin-formed fish with a pale to radiant orange-red shaded body, the fire rasbora may grow up to 2-crawls long. They do well in planted tanks with faint lighting and will school on the off chance that they're in a gathering of at least 6. While they may be altogether too splendidly shaded to keep with male bettas, they frequently well in betta sororities.

Lambchop Rasbora aka False Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma espei)

These fish are named for the lambchop-formed markings on their bodies and intently look like the harlequin rasbora. They are a lot simpler to really focus on than the mosquito and fire rasbora. While they favor a planted tank they don't need the low lighting different sorts normally need. In contrast to the harlequin, in any case, the lambchop rasbora should be kept in a gathering of in any event 6 to 10, which is the reason they are unsatisfactory to tanks under 30-gallons in size.

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